There's an iOS 17.1 Already

Hey there! Are you an iPhone user who loves to stay on top of the latest updates? Well, you're in luck because Apple just released the first developer beta for iOS 17.1. This update brings some exciting new features and changes that you'll definitely want to check out. But wait, before you rush to install it, there's something you should know. This is a beta version, which means it's not the final product and might have some bugs or glitches. So, make sure to back up your data before diving in. Now, let's talk about the cool stuff in iOS 17.1. One feature that's sure to make your life easier is the ability to use AirDrop over cellular. So, when you're sharing files with your friends, you don't have to stay within Bluetooth range anymore. You can walk away and the transfer will continue seamlessly, even if you switch from Wi-Fi to cellular. And that's not all! Apple Music has also gotten

Link: There's an iOS 17.1 Already

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